An Account of what Provisions the Queen allows each Sea-man per Week, and what sort of Food they have each Day of the Week.

Pork 1 Pound Pease ½ a Pint Beef 2 Pounds Pease ½ a Pint Pork 1 Pound Oatmeal 1 Pint Beef 2 Pounds
Pease ½ a Pint Oatmeal 1 Pint Oatmeal 1 Pint Pease ½ a Pint Butter 2 Ounces
Butter 2 Ounces Butter 2 Ounces Cheese 4 Ounces
Cheese 4 Ounces Cheese 4 Ounces

Note, that each Sea-man is allow'd for every Day of the Week, a Pound of Bread and a Gallon of Beer.

"J.L.": The Sea-Man's Vade Mecum. James Woodward, London, 1707. p 149.
Transcribed 1996-07-01 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.