Ocean Monarch

A packet ship built in 1856 by William H. Webb, New York, as Yard No. 107. Dimensions 240'×46'×30'3" and tonnage 2145 tons Old Measurement.

Was at the time of her launching the largest ship of her type built.

1856 September 15
Launched at the shipyard of William H. Webb, New York, for Stanton & Frost, New York.
1856 October 8
Sailed from New York to Liverpool under command of Captain Pitkin Page.
1857 May
Arrived at New York with 954 emigrants.
1862 March 5
Sailed from New York for Liverpool with a cargo of:
10.811 barrels of flour
10892 bushels of wheat
33.774 bushels of corn
193 tierces of beaf
76 barrels of pork
62.020 pounds of tallow
298.643 pounds of lard
739.800 pounds of bacon
7000 pounds of shoulders
10 tierces of tongues
1862 March 9
Was struck by a gale at 38°N, 60°W. and thrown on her beams ends. The ship was abandoned when she began to ship large amounts of water.
1862 March 14
One of the boats with 22 survivors were picked up by the schooner Oliver H. Booth and was later transferred to the ship James R. Keeler. The survivors were landed at New York on March 24.


Updated 1999-05-11 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.