Sailing and Fighting Instructions for His Majesty's Fleet.

To be added to the XVIth Article
Sailing Instructions
D A Y,
And observed as the other Signals.

To Chase from North to East. When the Admiral would have any Ship Chase from the North to the East from him, he will make the Signal for speaking with the Captain, and hoist a Flag with a White Cross and a Red Field in the Mizen-shrowds, and fire a Gun; which Signal, if not immediately seen, is to be made by the Flag in whose Division that Ship is, or by the Flag nearest the Ship whose Signal is made.
To Chase from East to South. When the Admiral would have any Ship chase from the East to the South from him, he will make the Signal for speaking with the Captain, and hoist a Flag with a Red Cross and a Blue Field in the Mizen-shrowds, and fire a Gun; which Signal, if not immediately seen, is to be made by the Flag in whose Division the Ship is, or by the Flag nearest the Ship whose Signal is made.
To Chase from South to West. When the Admiral would have any Ship chase from the South to the West from him, he will make the Signal for speaking with the Captain, and hoist a Flag strip'd Red, White and Blue in the Mizen-shrowds, and fire a Gun; which Signal, if not immediately seen, is to be made by the Flag in whose Division the Ship is, or by the Flag nearest the Ship whose Signal is made.
To Chase from West to North. When the Admiral would have any Ship chase from the West to the North from him, he will make the Signal for speaking with the Captain, and hoist a Flag Blue and White in the Mizen-shrowds, and fire a Gun; which Signal, if not immediately seen, is to be made by the Flag in whose Division the Ship is, or by the Flag nearest the Ship whose Signal is made.
Ships on any Quarter of the Compass to come into the Fleet. And when the Admiral would have the Ships on any Quarter of the Compass come into the Fleet, he will hoist the Signal Flag for chasing on that Quarter of the Compass on the Flag-staff, at Fore-top-mast-head, and fire a Gun; which Signal is likewise to be made by the Flag that is nearest the Ship or Ships that the Signal is made for.

Sailing and Fighting Instructions for His Majesty's Fleet, 1775.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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