
faux pont.
Overlop; Ueberlauf: Verdeck.
falso ponte.
sollado; sollado de los cables.
överlöp; överlopp; trossbotten; lastlav; kvästlav.

The orlop deck is the lowest deck in a ship. Originally any deck but the upper deck was an orlop [deck].


1420-21 E 364/54 D d.:
Et in diuersis pecijs Maeremij Waynescot bord' vocatis Deles clauis ferri de diuersis sortibus pice bitumine canabi Towe pecijs de Corke filo Sperr' de Firre cepo Oleo Skeynes fili ffilas lastag' et alijs minutis necessarijs emptis et expenditis in factura et reparacione de Ouerloppe les hacches Calfatyng Capstanbarys le fforcastell Cabans Cotys et alijs apparatibus et necessarijs infra quendam Nauem vocatam Nicholas de la Tour.
1467 Sc. Acts Jas III, (1814), p 87:
And at the maisteris fure na guidis vpon his ouerlop [1597 § 14 ouer-loft] the quhilk & he do, tha gudis sall pay na fraucht, nor na gudis vnder the ourlop [ouer-loft] to scot nor lot with tha gudis in cas thai be castin.
1496 Naval Accounts and Inventories of the Regin of Henry VII, NRS 8 (1896), p 176:
Tymbre … under the Ovyloppes & Alawe in the seid Ship.
1496 ibid., p 176:
And to Phillip Lokier & Roweley Berebruer of Hampton the same tyme for iiij barelles piche for to pyche forcastell, the overlopper, the somercastell, the dekke ovyr the somercastell, & the pope the barell iiij s. viij d — xviij s viij d.
1625 Henry Mainwaring:
- an Orlopp. The Orlopp is noe other but the Deck; as we say, the Lower Deck, the second Deck, so you may as well say the Lower Orlopp, or the second Orlopp: and indeed it is com[m]only held the proper speech to call them the first Orlopp, and the second Orlopp; for this word Orlopp seemes to be appropriated only to theis two Decks: for if a Ship haue three Decks, they never call the Vpper most (which is ye third) by the name of Orlopp, but by the name of Deck: as (to speake of them,) they will say She hath a Tire of Ordinans on the first and second Orlopps, and also vpon the Vpper Deck, and not vpon the Vpper Orlopp.

Updated 1996-09-29 by Lars Bruzelius

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