Black Ball Line of Packets

To sail punctually on her regular day, the 1st June,

For New York

The celebrated packet-ship Yorkshire, Captain D.G. Bailey.

1058 tons per register. The Yorkshire is, on all hands, allowed to be the finest and fastest of the numerous packets sailing between this port and New York, and her accommodations for second cabin and steerage passengers will be much superior thus voyage to what they have hitherto been, much greater space being allotted to each. Her commander, Captain Bailey, has invariably made remarkably quick passages, and his kindness and attention to passengers have secoured for him a lasting reputation. For Terms of Passage apply to

J and W. Robinson, 48, Waterloo road.

Liverpool Mercury, May 21, 1847.

Updated 1995-12-26 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.