THE CLIPPER SHIP STAGHOUND, Capt. Richardson, sailed from New York, January 31, 1851, for San Francisco, thence for Manila and Canton, and returned to New York in 345 days. She was 81 days in port, and 264 days at sea, during which time she sailed 37,861 miles, being an average of nearly 144 miles per day, or 6 knots and hour. On the passage from China, she sailed 14,500 miles in 92 days 21 hours, from pilot to pilot, or 7 knots an hour, the whole passage. For 10 consecutive days, she averaged 286 miles per day, by observation; and for two consecutive days, she ran 658 miles. In one day, carrying royals, she sailed 350 miles. Her cargo was the largest ever brought from China to New York, and every box of it was landed without damage. On both passages she was remarkably dry, and so tight that she did not leak a spell at the pumps in a week. In point of speed, and every other quality, she has more than answered the expectations of her owners and builder. Mr. McKay, who built her, guarantied that she would sail 15 knots, and she has frequently balled off 16 and 17. She is now having stouter masts put in, and will be fitted aloft in the most substantial style. She is still at New York, and in a few weeks will sail again for San Francisco, having nearly all her cargo engaged; at the highest rates.

The Boston Daily Atlas, January 26, 1852.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.

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Copyright © 1997 Lars Bruzelius.