The New Clipper Brig Belle, of Halifax, N.S.

This is a beautiful, well built vessel of about 218 tons register, and is intended to run Messrs. Clark & Jones's line of Halifax and Boston packets. She is 90 feet long between perpendiculars on desk, has 26 feet breadth of beam and 11½ feet depth of hold. Her frame is of oak and wood, and strongly kneed and copper fastened. She has a half poop deck, the height of the main rail, with a long sky light trunk amidships, and under this deck she has two excellent cabins. The after one contains 8 berths and other apartments, and is suitable for ladies, and the forward one has 8 staterooms with 2 berths in each, and is tastefully painted and grained and well furnished. It is 17 feet long by 8 wide, and forms an excellent dining saloon. Her steerage or second cabin contains accommodations for 45 passengers, and has a house over its entrance, as a protection against the weather. The crew's quarters are below forward; and considering her size, are snug and comfortable.

In model, the Belle, has rounded lines, sharp ends, and good rise of floor for holding on by the wind. She has what is termed a square stern, and it is light and well formed, and the run below is long and clean. Outside she is painted black, with a red ribbon along her planksheer moulding, and inside she is buff color. She has a fine set of spars, with the regular Baltimore clipper rake, and she carries royal yards rigged aloft. The foremast is 54 feet long, and the mainmast 58, and the yards upon both are alike, viz. -- 52 feet square, diminishing 10 feet upwards, and her sails are made so that their leaches form continuous lines, from the head earings of the royals to the clews of the courses. She is well found in every particular, sails fast and works like a pilot-boat. She was built at Cornwallis, N.S., by Mr. C.W. Conners, and is considered the handsomest craft ever turned out at that port. Capt. Meagher, an old stager in the trade, commands her, and he is generally esteemed a whole souled sailor. Good luck to him and his beautiful clipper. Messrs. Clark & Kones will always give her prompt despatch, and will take special care that her passengers shall be liberally provided with the best of fare.

Boston Daily Atlas, June 27, 1853.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.