The New Clipper Ship Spitfire.

This is a good oak-built ship of 1550 tons register, and is finely finshed. She is 202 feet long on the keel, and 224 feet over all, -- has 40 feet extreme breadth of beam, and 23 feet depth of hold. Her frame is of seasoned hite oak, her scantling of hard pine, she is sheathed with yellow metal up to 18½ feet draught of water, is copper fastened, and seasoned with salt. Her keel is sided 16 inches and moulded 32, in two depths; the floor timbers are 12 by 17, and she has three depths of midship keelsons, the two first 19 inches square, and the third 16 inches square, all bolted with copper and iron, though the timbers and keel, the copper clinched on the outside, and the iron driven within two inches of the base of the keel.

She has sister keelsons of 14 inches, and 2 bilge keelsons on each side, of the same substance, and the ceiling above diminishes ½ an inch every strake, until the ceiling is 9 inches in thickness. Her lower deck-clamps are also 9 inches thick, and the stringer upon which her hanging knees rest, is 13 inches square. She is square fastened fore and aft, and all her ceiling is lock scarphed. The lower deck beams are 16 inches square, and the upper deck beams 10 by 16, all of hard pine. The between decks water-ways are 16 inches square, with 1 strake, of 12 by 14 inside of them, and 2 strakes of the same size over them. The ceiling above is 7 inches thick, and the upper deck water-ways are 12 inches square. Her upper deck is white pine and the lower deck hard pine, both 3½ inches thick. The between decks are nearly 9 feet high, painted white, and the thick work blue.

Her garboards are 8 inches thick, bottom planking 4 inches, and wales 5½ by 7, square fastened with treenails and bolted with copper. All the hooks and stanchions are of oak, and all the lodging and hanging knees in the hold are also of oak, and the stanchions are kneed above and below. The hanging knees under both decks have long arms and bodies, and average about 20 bolts in each, except towards the ends. Her ends are well secured with massive hooks, particularly in the between deck,s bolted alternately from both sides. She is very strongly built, of good materials, and is well fastened, and handsomely finished.

She has long, sharp ends, and rounded lines, and 15 inches dead rise at half floor. Her bow is ornamented with a gilded eagle, and her stern, which is oval in outline, is also tastefully ornamented. She has a beautiful run; broadside on she looks finely, both in sheer and swell, and is painted black. All her accommodations are on the upper deck, like other clippers; but her cabins are fitted in superior style. The after one is painted pure white, relived with gilding, and the forward cabin is tastefully painted, in imitation of mahogany and other fancy woods. The staterooms are light and airy, and like the cabins, and elegantly furnished.

The quarters for the crew, the galley, and several other apartments are in a house before the main hatchway. She has a large iron water tank her whole depth, and is liberally fitted out in other respects.

Her fore and main masts are built entirely of hard pine, her mizzenmasts is of a single spar, and the topmasts and jibbooms are also of hard pine. The fore and main masts are 33½ inches in diameter, 81 and 86 feet long, and the mizzen mast 77 feet; the fore and main topmasts are alike, viz., 47 feet long, mizzen topmast 36, and the other masts in like proportions. The yards upon the fore and main masts are alike; also those of the mizzen mast, taking the fore yard for the crossjack yard. The following are the lengths of her yards, commencing with the fore: 78, 65, 51, 40 and 30 feet. She has skysail yards rigged aloft, and looks well. Her rigging is of superior Russian hemp, and was made by Messrs. Sumners & Swift, of Boston. She will spread about 9000 yards of canvas in a single suit of sails.

This fine vessel was built at Frankfort, Me., by Messrs. Jas. Arey & Son, and is owned by Messrs. Manning & Stanwood, and Thos. Gray & Co., of Boston. She is now loading with despatch in Messrs. Glidden & Wiliams's line of California clippers, and is commanded by Capt. J.W. Arey. We predict that she will sail fast, be a good sea boat, and turn her cargo out in first rate order.

Boston Daily Atlas, October 6, 1853.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius.

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Copyright © 1996 Lars Bruzelius.