VOC Wrecks.

Date    Name    Date found      Place   Voyage  Reference
1606    Nassau  1990s   Malaysia, Malacca       0098.2
1608    Maritius        1985    Guinea  5077.2  L'Hour et. al.,1989
1613    Witte Leeuw     1976    St Helina       5100.3  Pijk-Ketel, 1982
1615    Banda   1979    Mauritius       5105.2  Dumas, 1981
1627    Campen  1979    UK, Isle Wight  0351.1  Larne, 1985
1629    Batavia 1963    W Australia, Houtman Abrolhos   0372.1  Green, 1989
1640    Rob             Netherlands     0534.1
1641    Utrecht 1981    Brazil, Itaparica       *       Christie's, 1983
1653    Lastdrager      1971    UK, Shetlands   0760.3  St‚nuit, 1974
1656    Vergulde Draeck 1963    W Australia     0833.2  Green, 1977
1659    Avondster       1993    Sri Lanka, Galle        5448.2  Green and
Devendra, 1993ii
1661    Hercules        1992    Sri Lanka, Galle        0843.1  Green and
Devendra, 1993i
1663    Dolphijn        1993    Sri Lanka, Galle        0837.2  Green and
Devendra, 1993ii
1664    Kennemerland    1971    UK, Shetland Is 1027.1  Price and
Muckelroy, 1974
1686    Prinses Maria           UK, Scilly Is   1513.2  Sotheby Mak van
Waay, 1975
1693    Dageraad                S Africa, Robben I      1658.1  Turner, 1988
1698    't Huis te Kraijenstein         S Africa, Oudekraal, Cape Peninsula
        1771.1  Turner, 1988
1702    Meresteyn       1971    S Africa, Jutten I      1869.4  Marsden, 1976
1711    Liefde  1964    UK, Shetlands   2151.5  Bax and Martin, 1974
1712    Zuytdorp        1920s   W Australia     2147.3  Playford, 1996
1713    Bennebroek      1985    S Africa, Keiskamma R, Ciskei   6243.1
        Turner, 1988
1724    Slot ter Hooge          Madiera, Porto Santo    2600.1  St‚nuit, 1975
1725    Akerendam               Norway  2609.1
1726    Revenstein              Maldives        2623.2
1727    Risdam          Malaysia, Mersing       2357.2  Green, 1986
1727    Zeewijk 1952    W Australia, Houtman Abrolhos   2680.1
        Ingleman-Sundberg, 1977
1728    Adelaar         UK, Barra       2729.3  Martin, 1972
1729    Cura‡ao                       *       St‚nuit, 1977
1735    't Vliegende Hart               Belgian coast   2978.2  Gawronski
and Kist, 1984
1738    Boot            UK      7040.2
1740    Vis             S Africa, Table Bay     3174.4  Turner, 1988
1743    Hollandia       1971    UK, Scilly Is   3275.1  Gawronski et al., 1992
1747    Reigersdaal     1979    S Africa, Saldanah Bay  3399.3
1748     Nieuwekerke    1996    Indonesia, Tukang
Besi Islands, Sulawesi  3337.4
1749    Amsterdam       1969    UK, Hastings    3437.1  Marsden, 1974;
Gawronski, 1990
1752    Geldermalsen    1985    Indonesia, Admiral Stellingwerf Reef
        7371.1  Jorg, 1986
1753    Bredenhof               Mozambique      3582.3  Christie's, 1986
1759    Buitenzorg              Netherlands     7553.2
1776    Geiwens 1993    Sri Lanka, Galle        4118.3  Green and Devendra,
1776    Nieuw Rhoon     1971    S Africa, Cape Town     7955.5  Lightley, 1976
1781    Middelburg      1969    S Africa, Saldanah Bay  8073.1  Turner, 1988
 1795   Zeelelie                UK, Scilly Is   8394.1  Larne, 1981

Jeremy Green
Dept. Maritime Archaeology           
Western Australian Maritime Museum
Cliff Street 
WA 6160
W. Australia

Updated 1995-09-26 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1995 Lars Bruzelius.