
A medium clipper ship built in 1853 by William H. Webb, New York, as Yard No. 79. Dimensions 190'×38'3"×21'6" and tonnage 1274 tons Old Measurement. Instead of a figurehead or billet head, she had a pair of wings embracing the stem.
1853 June 23
Launched at the shipyard of William H. Webb, New York, for Schiff Brothers & Co., New York.
1853 August 20 - November 11
Sailed from New York to Melbourne in 83 days under command of Captain Merrill Sewall. The best day's run during the passage was 346 days.
1854 February 25 - June 8
Sailed from Whampoa to New York in 103 days or 75 days from Anjer.
1854 November 13 - March 2
Sailed from New York to San Francisco in 110 days.
1855 July 18
Sailed from Manila to New York in 106 days.
1855 July 29
Struck a coral reef but was able to get off after having jettisoned some 100 tons of cargo.
1855 December 22 - April 8
Sailed from New York to San Francisco in 106 days.
1857 January 27
Sailed from Foo Chow to New York in 94 days.
1857 August 6 - December 14
Sailed from New York to San Francisco in 125 days.
Sailed from San Francisco to New York in 98 days.
Sold to American owners for $ 50.000. Captain Trundy was given command of the ship.
1859 March
Sold to Galwey, Casado & Teller, Spanish owners in Manila, and was later renamed Conception of Cadiz. Later sold to J. Fide de Castro, Cadiz.
Listed as the British barque Bothalwood, owned by T.R. Miller, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Captain Gifford is listed as master.
1881 January 20
Stranded at St Cuen's Bay, Jersey, on voyage from Cartagene to Leith with a cargo fo esparto grass and became a total loss.


Updated 1999-02-19 by Lars Bruzelius

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