
A medium clipper ship built in 1856 by William H. Webb, New York, as Yard No. 108. Dimensions 169'×35'8"×22' and tonnage 988 tons Old Measurement.
1856 October 15
Launched at the shipyard of William H. Webb, New York, for Wakeman, Dimon & Co., New York.
1856 November 28 - March 26
Sailed from New York to San Francisco in 116 days under command of Captain N. Kirby, Jr.
1859 June 2 - October 22
Sailed from New York to San Francisco in 143 days.
1865 February 2
Sailed from New York for Shanghai under command of Captain Rudolph.
Sold to N. Larea, Lima, Peru. Employed in the trans-Pacific collie trade.
Burned at sea while under voyage from Macao to Callao. The crew and 112 of the coolie passengers were saved by passingship which picked up the boats while 425 passengers died with the ship.


Updated 1999-02-20 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.