The New Clipper Ship Cairngorm.

This new vessel is stated to be the finest specimen of the clipper build yet produced in Scotland; and is offered as a match for any American clipper now in the China trade … But while the passage to China has thus been greatly shortened, and teas are now brought from Shanghae in 98 days instead of four or five months, which used to be the ordinary length of the voyage, it was still felt that the Americans had a great advantage in the large size of their clippers, some of them being double the registered tonnage of the largest of the British ships. To meet this objection, the Messrs. Hall resolved to lay down a clipper of larger size and finer lines than had been previously built in Scotland; and to construct her so that any purchaser might challenge in good faith the fastest of the American fleet. This vessel was brought under the notice of the house of Jardine, Matheson & Co., through the enterprising commander of their Stornoway clipper, Mr Robertson, and purchased for them to bring home the new teas. …

… Her lower masts are solid sticks, and not built, these spars having been felled expressly for her last year in the forests of American. She will be able to set no fewer than 50 sails of all descriptions.

Illustrated London News, March 5, 1853.

Transcribed by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1997 Lars Bruzelius.