Clipper Ships Built in the United States.

During a few years around the middle of the 19th century some 500 clipper ships were built in the United States. The Ann McKim (1833) and Rainbow (1845) are generally considered to be the first clippers, but it was not until the great gold rush of 1849 that clippers ships were built in great numbers. In 1853 the building of clipper ships culminated with more than a hundred ships built. After that year the declining economics brought soon an end to this era.

Most clipper ships were ship rigged, i.e. fully square rigged on all three masts. A few barques of clipper type have also been included. Clipper schooners have not been included in this list.

State Builders Clippers
Connecticut 9 23 4,8 %
Florida 1 1 0,2 %
Maine 61 85 17,9 %
Maryland 14 29 6,1 %
Massachusetts 51 224 47,2 %
New Hampshire 8 28 5,9 %
New Jersey 2 4 0,8 %
New York 22 70 14,7 %
Pennsylvania 1 4 0,8 %
Rhode Island 4 6 1,3 %
Virginia 1 1 0,2 %


Updated 1999-07-24 by Lars Bruzelius

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Copyright © 1999 Lars Bruzelius.